Returns & Refunds

We aren't happy unless you are completely satisfied with your purchase! Please reach out to us with any concerns and we will do what we can to help.


Orders once shipped cannot be cancelled. If you decide to cancel your order before dispatch, please contact us with a legitimate reason. In such cases, your order will be cancelled and refund will be processed accordingly.

We cannot offer Returns or Refunds on Food products. However, we can look into cases pertaining to damaged via shipping or transit.

Returns / Exchanges (if applicable)

To be eligible for a return or exchange, you must contact us as soon as you receive your order. Your item(s) must be unused and in the same condition that you received it, in the original packaging, with seal intact. Please share images in the same condition that you received it.

If you qualify for a return, keep your parcel packed and ready, and we will arrange a return pickup.

Refunds (if applicable)

Once we review your images and your return parcel is received, we will notify you of the approval/rejection of your refund. If approved, your refund will be processed immediately to your original method of payment.

Late or missing refunds (if applicable)

If you haven’t received a refund, first check your bank statement. Then contact your bank as there is often a processing time before a refund is processed, typically 5-7 business days or sooner. If you still haven’t received your refund, please contact us and we’re here to help.

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